Monday, January 31, 2011

TSA Sitcom

Absurd sitcom following a group of TSA agents at work, complete with horrible laugh track. Have wacky neighbor stereotype function as owner/runner of airport shop. All main characters and jokes should be total shallow sitcom stereotypes, while all one appearance travelers should be completely normal, and realistic. Most travelers will be understandably irritated, uncomfortable and or angry as they endure increasingly horrible invasions of privacy and personal violations, all while idiot TSA cast make horrible jokes, that never or rarely have anything to do with what's happening to the traveler victims. Any good humored travelers will be treated with the most vile invasions, perhaps with the exception of a justifiably irate traveler.

This idea will not be valuable for more then a single episode, more likely as a long commercial and irritating jingle. I will, in all honesty, propose a few horrible ideas that wouldn't function as more then this, but as a one shot gag, I find it totally entertaining.

Possible titles include "All Aboard" "TSA-ll Good." Not very good, but should be something insanely cheesy and cheery.

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